jeudi 23 février 2017

A too-often ignored fact about push-on hose

I posted this on another forum, but thought it warranted posting here:

Sort of a side issue, but the only issues I have seen regarding push-on hose is the fittings that use a cover that hides the hose ends to make the assembly "prettier." Those covers make it difficult to assess whether the hose is all the way onto the fitting. If the hose is not on far enough to totally cover the last barb, it can work itself loose and leak or totally come off.

This is because the cords at the end of the hose cannot carry any tension because by definition, the cord stops there. This allows the last few 1/10" at the hose end to be able to expand and loosen. So one needs to have the hose absolutely fully engaged, or the joint is questionable.

A too-often ignored fact about push-on hose

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