dimanche 26 mars 2017

1.6L Kent over-rev - rebuild needed?

I'll spare the details, but an unnamed driver shifted from ~6000 RPM in 2nd to 1st instead of 3rd. :/ This is short autocross gearing, so the over-rev wasn't immediately catastrophic. I don't know how much tire slippage happened and don't have a logger in the car yet so I don't know exactly how high it spun. Wild guess is 8000-9500 RPM. This engine was built by Marcovicci-Wenz.

So I know I need to inspect it carefully before use again, but where do I start? Borescope? Compression test? Remove engine and send straight to engine builder? Replace con rod bolts? What's the obvious next step? Keep in mind I'm in Canada so shipping costs to/from the builder may double the price. I'll obviously pay that if needed, but I don't have a feel if this is something that I can easily fix or if it requires special knowledge.

Please - I want this discussion to be about the technical fix and not how to punish the operator.

1.6L Kent over-rev - rebuild needed?

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