jeudi 30 mars 2017

He was a wonderful Brother

When ever Jeff and I wanted to go racing in Portland we'd give my brother a call. Jeff's truck was a little 4 cylinder Toyota Tacoma and my brother had a Ford F250 with a home build camper on the back and a gigantic diesel engine (dating from some time in the 1970's). He used it to travel, camp and hunt all over the western united states. An avid hunter, skier and fisherman, he spent many years being an outdoor guide in Montana in the summer and teaching skiing at Vail in the winter. Despite all of that he was a gentle soul with a real love for his wife and two children. In addition to all that, he had a real passion for auto mechanics. No matter who called, if you had a car issue he and his super well equipped garage were ready to help. An oil change or an engine replacement - didn't matter. And he had an unending LOVE of all things Porsche. When he reached to point in life where he could afford one, he owned several 944 always in tip top shape.

Shortly after I had my quad bypass surgery in 2010, he started a 7 year fight with Parkinson's disease. That battle ended Tuesday night when he put a bullet in his head. We had not seen each other since Christmas last year and only talked on the phone twice. I didn't realize until about an hour ago when I found it on the web that Parkinson's comes with a whole lot of Hallucinations and Delusions which has to be in the mix of what happened to him. He was a super level headed guy with a love for hunting and guns. So I am truly baffled that he choose a gun to end his day. He will be sorely missed here Louis LeRoy Broadhead ---- MY BROTHER.

Thanks for listening.

He was a wonderful Brother

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